Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Within Me (Dentro Di Me)
 - a short stop-motion video exploring the anxiety that stems from feeling constricted by one’s physical existence.

This project was an outlet. It relieved some of the stress I have been feeling for the past few months. It helped me realize how difficult life is for everyone and that in someway or another we must all (learn to) cope. In fact, this project was meant to make a statement about how we all may internally cope in very different ways, but when we turn our feelings outward, we tend to express them similarly (hair pulling, closing our eyes, taking deeper breaths). It makes me wonder about the manifestation of emotion and whether our expressions are innate or learned. To complement this thought, I chose to add the Tibetan singing bowl as accompanying music. The sound the bowl emits is a sound of everything-ness. It is a sound that heals, relieves stress, and gives a sense of well being.
Here is a link to the video: Within Us

Here are some of the stills I captured throughout the stop-motion.

I am so thankful for all of the people who helped me create this project. Thank you Alexcia, Makenzie, Amelia, Madison, Ryn, Raina, Kyle, Michelle, and Sabrina. You're all amazing and I could not have made this without you!

Monday, November 16, 2015


Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?

This exhibition was a collective effort - everyone helped put it together in one way or another. By doing so, it really made the exhibit feel like a unified piece. Arranging everyone's independent works side by side - close to one another - created a lot of juxtapositions, while retaining to one continuous, fluid theme: "Something Is Happening". This theme allowed us to take our art in so many different directions. It also allowed viewers to make their own interpretations of the work, without knowing the artist's exact intention. My favorite part of the exhibit was definitely the books! I enjoyed flipping through them and getting to see all twenty of the photographs each student selected. I think it made the experience at the exhibit less formal, and more personal & interactive (which is not something I have experienced at a exhibit here on campus,yet - so that was cool!)

The sound of someone you love who's going away and it doesn't matter
by Penguin Cafe Orchestra

"I think I am the violin"
very relevant

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Laozi was an ancient Chinese sage/philosopher from the 6th century B.C. who is known as the father of Taoism. The origin and life of Laozi is pretty ambiguous and even after years & years of research very little is known about his life. Nonetheless, his teachings have been passed down through time. Today he has many Taoist followers. Why did McLuhan choose the passage about immateriality and absence to describe the Western shift toward a more unified, fused society? First of all, it is necessary to understand what Laozi’s passage means. Taoism preaches that "nothingness" should be present everywhere. Without it, there would be chaos. In the Tao Te Ching, order is accomplished by including emptiness - thus, balancing something with nothing. Laozi believed emptiness to be a blessing, without which life would all be too much. McLuhan’s translation is a little different. 
I think McLuhan chose this passage in order to emphasize the apprehension he has about the advancement of technology in Western society. Our society “our western legacy” of separation and isolation has been eradicated by the constant flow of digital information. Like a room, a wheel, or a vase, the usefulness of technology must lie in its empty space. But what is its empty space? Does it have empty space? Media information is now multi-dimensional and comes to us so abundantly and with such speed that we no longer have the ability to categorize it all, and in that sense we are now fusing everything together. We are no longer able to remain isolated. We are constantly involved and no longer detached. While this may be viewed as positive, McLuhan emphasizes its uncertainty. Where is the usefulness in technology when there is no absence of it anymore?

Laozi Riding an Ox, Buhzi Chao, n.d., Ink on paper