Happy Hour
This is my take on an experimental video - whether it actually is "experimental" is another question. As I have stated before, I've always enjoyed documenting things that go on around me, so I chose to integrate this aspect into my video. I decided to focus on the idea of "Happy Hour" because I think it symbolizes a break from this "age of anxiety" that McLuhan speaks of. It is a moment that allows us to interrupt our schedules and abandon our worries. More or less we join others for a good time and forget about our homework due the next day. Shooting this video reminded me of McLuhan's thoughts on our new world of technology, "Ours is a brand-new world of all-at-once-ness. 'Time' has ceased, 'space' has vanished. We now live in a global village...a simultaneous happening. We are back in acoustic space. [...] We have had to shift our stress of attention from action to reaction." While I am documenting the actions and decisions of others around me, I am also partaking in them by choosing what to shoot/focus on, and thus I am really just reacting to it all. Through media (video) everyday movements and actions are turned into forms of art - and simply just reactions.